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Ak. mal. Rostislav Novák

Czech painter

Rostislav Novák is a Czech artist doing painting and graphics as well as a university professor. He studied at the Academy of fine arts in Prague and at the École des Beaux Arts in Paris. He did internship in serigraphic studio of Victor Vasarely. He worked as a professor's assistant at the Academy of fine arts later as an associate professor at the Institute of graphic arts at the Faculty of architecture in Prague (Ústav výtvarné tvorby Fakulty architektury v Praze) and as a head of a department  on the Faculty of Restoration of the University of Pardubice and now Rostislav works at the Department of Art at Faculty of Education on University Hradec Králové. Rostislav took part in a number of exhibitions in Europe, America, Japan and South Africa and he has done several works in architecture. Rostislav is engaged in painting and serigraphics living and working in Prague and in a village near Louny.

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tel: +402 602 241 119
e-mail: info@rostislav-novak.cz


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